24 Utility Drive
Palm Coast, FL 32137

(386) 445-4135

(386) 446-5104

Biological Control, or BioControl, is the use of a natural predator to decrease the population of a pest. In our case, the pest is the mosquito. Below are some examples of biological controllers.

If you make a few simple precautions, the mosquito population could be significantly smaller. In addition to our services, your cooperation in completing the following steps could help lessen the mosquito problem in our region:

The biggest factor in creating a potential breeding area for mosquito larvae is having standing water in your yard. Even the smallest amount will be able to provide a perfect site for mosquito larvae to hatch.

Since most of Florida has a low elevation and the water table is close to the surface, heavy rains can saturate the land and cause flooding. If possible, fill in these low-lying areas with topsoil to prevent mosquitoes from having an ideal spot to breed. All they need is a couple of days to go from being nonexistant to becoming adult attackers.

Tires that are dumped can cause a huge problem. Not only is this illegal, but it creates yet another potential breeding ground for our flying enemies. Please keep spare tires in a sheltered area or dispose of them by following the local guidelines for tire disposal.

Bromeliads are native plants that are notorious for collecting water, hence creating the perfect habitat for potential breeding. If you have these plants and wish to keep them in your yard, monitor them closely; they may be the root of your problem.